
American TV News Anchor/Political Commentator-best known for his work with Fox News' Channel & their political coverage & authoring several books

Bret Baier

American TV News Anchor/Political Commentator

Interviewed: 05-06-2023

Morgan McGarvey has dedicated his life to public service to make a difference for others, by becoming U.S. House of Representatives, for Kentucky's 3rd Dist.

Morgan McGarvey

U.S. House of Representatives, Kentucky 3rd District

Interviewed: 05-06-2023

Graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt Univ. & earned a Juris Doctor @ Univ. of Virginia School of Law. In 2016, he became KY.'s 50th Attny. Genl., & in 2019, became KY.'s 63rd Governor & is son of 61st KY. Governor & our 292nd guest-Gov. Steven Beshear

KY. Governor Andy Beshear

63rd Governor-Commonwealth of KY. (2019-2027)

Interviewed: 05-06-2023

Taylor believes life has presented him with challenges many Louisvillians face daily, which uniquely qualifies him to relate to their concerns & motivates him to fix them.

Taylor Everett

Independent Louisville Metro Mayoral Candidate

Interviewed: 08-22-2022

As Mayor of the City of Jeffersontown, KY. Bill has overseen a police department, public works, an economic development authority, parks & recreation, & all other city services.

Craig is a proud Louisvillian, husband, father, entrepreneur, & community leader who believes in thinking big, working hard, and making things happen.

Craig Greenberg

Louisville Metro Mayor-(2023-???)

Interviewed: 08-22-2022

Considered an expert in human behavior & org. dynamics, his vision is as a result of reading his books, attending his keynotes/workshops; participants are moved to achieve higher levels of performance & their organizations better places to work!

Greg Coker

Author/Speaker & Leadership Development Consultant

Interviewed: 10-15-2021

Since the age of 11, Alex has been leading a bipartisan effort in the Kentucky legislature to end the use of corporal punishment in schools. Alex's MoxieTalk was conducted @ the age of 15, making Alex BY FAR, the youngest guest ever featured on MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs.

Prior to serving as KY.’s 61st Governor overseeing a$10 billion enterprise 30,000+ employees, Steve served as Attny. Genl. from 1979-83 & LT. Gov. from 1983-87, as well as a KY. House of Reps from 1973-79. In 1987, before his 1st term as Governor in 2007, he joined Stites & Harbison law firm & supervised their Lexington, KY. office.

Angela Leet is an engineer, community leader, mom, and Metro Council member.

CNN chief national correspondent, analyst and anchor of Inside Politics John King offers his thoughts and insights on the increasing polarization of the US electorate.

John King

CNN Chief National Correspondent, Analyst & Anchor of Inside Politics

Interviewed: 09-27-2017

A passion for life drives Kinsey Morrison to make a difference.

Michael Dale "Mike" Huckabee is an American politician, Christian minister, author, musician and commentator.

Governor Mike Huckabee

Politician, Former Governor of Arkansas (1996-2007)

Interviewed: 04-24-2017

A passion for service fuels Jerry Abramson.

Mitch McConnell has served as U.S. Senate majority leader since 2015. He is only the second Kentuckian to serve as majority leader in the Senate; the first, Alben Barkley, led the Democrats from 1937 to 1947.

Senator Mitch McConnell

United States Senator (1984-Present) Senate Majority Leader (2015-2021)

Interviewed: 08-31-2016

Barry Denton is passionate about his hometown of Louisville.

David Nicholson learned the importance of community involvement from his late father, Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge S. Rush Nicholson.

David Nicholson

Circuit Court Clerk, Jefferson County, Kentucky

Interviewed: 10-23-2015

Marty Storch’s competitive nature and commitment to continual improvement shape his contributions at the Louisville Metro Parks department.

Gerald Neal credits his parents’ commitment to the community as laying the foundation for his career in politics.

KY. State Senator Gerald Neal

Commonwealth of Kentucky Senate District 33 (1989-present)

Interviewed: 10-28-2011

Madeline Abramson served as Louisville’s first lady for 21 years and is a tireless community volunteer.

Hal Heiner served as a vice chairman of Greater Louisville, Inc., and in 2002, he was elected to the Louisville Metro Council. On the Council, he spent eight years focusing on finding efficiencies in services, shedding light on the inner dealings of Metro Government, and finding smart ways for the community to grow and prosper.

Hal Heiner

Republican Louisville Mayoral Candidate

Interviewed: 07-23-2010

Louisville-born Greg Fischer is an entrepreneur and community leader. In 2008, Fischer ran for the Kentucky Democratic Primary for the U.S. Senate and finished second among the seven candidates.

Greg Fischer

Louisville Metro Mayor-(2011-2023)

Interviewed: 07-23-2010

Jackie Green, write-in candidate for mayor of Louisville, focuses on the local economy, central neighborhoods, education, energy, quality affordable housing, local food, safety, health, downtown, and transportation.

Jackie Green

Independent Louisville Mayoral Candidate

Interviewed: 07-23-2010

John Y. Brown, Jr. credits his father as the prime motivator and confidence builder in his life, driving his later successes such as making KY. Fried Chicken-a global fast food brand!

John Y. Brown Jr. (1933-2022)

1979-1983 Governor of Kentucky & Kentucky Fried Chicken Entrepreneur

Interviewed: 07-16-2010

Matt Bevin’s intellectual curiosity and love of learning have led him through several career opportunities in his lifetime.

Councilman Kevin Kramer’s compassion for people has led him to be a public servant and educator.

Kevin Kramer

Councilman District 11, Louisville Metro Council

Interviewed: 08-14-2009

Joni Jenkins is a member of the Kentucky House of Representatives and serves as chairwoman of the Jefferson County Legislative Delegation.

Joni Jenkins

Representative (D) House District 44 (1995-)

Interviewed: 08-14-2009

Louisville Metro Council president David Tandy is fueled by the desire to serve his community and to leave it a better place for his children.

David Tandy

Past Louisville Metro Councilman (2005-2017) & 2009 Louisville Metro Council President

Interviewed: 07-24-2009

Dale Orem has an extensive career in politics, civics, sports, and business.

A core believer in the servant leadership model, Greg Fischer is a successful businessman and civic leader in Louisville, Ky.

Greg Fischer

Entrepreneur & 2008 U.S. Senate Democratic Candidate

Interviewed: 12-05-2008

Driven by the desire to make a contribution to his community, Louisville-native Tom Owen serves as councilman for Metro Council District 8 in his hometown.

Tom Owen

Past Louisville Metro Councilman (2002-2017) & University of Louisville Archivist

Interviewed: 10-17-2008

Jim King believes that success breeds success and that as he achieves more, he is able to do more things for more people.

Councilman Jim King (1951-2015)

Past President & CEO, King Southern Bank & 2011-2015 Louisville Metro Council President

Interviewed: 05-30-2008

Georgia Davis Powers learned early life that to make changes you must be empowered.

John Yarmuth has dedicated his life to public service to make a difference for others.

Jack Conway rejects complacency and is driven to move forward and accomplish his next goal in life.

Jack Conway

Former Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Kentucky (2008-2016)

Interviewed: 03-21-2008

Chris Thieneman is a competitor who loves to dream up new scenarios and strategies for success.

Chris Thieneman

President, Thieneman Real Estate, LLC

Interviewed: 12-05-2007

Omar Ayyash sees himself as an ambassador and is passionate about helping people understand that the world is a global village.

Tyler Allen began life with a great foundation and believes that he has a responsibility to give back to the community.

Steve Higdon orients his life and career around his family, striving to be the best husband and father he can be.

Heather French Henry is inspired by hard work and dedication and believes that everyone can choose to make a difference with the time they have.

Jim Host loves Kentucky and he believes it has more potential than any other state in the country.

Jim Host

Former Kentucky Commerce Secretary & Founder of Host Communications

Interviewed: 09-27-2006

Kimberly Bunton is a strategic thinker and planner driven by the pursuit of excellence and personal best.

Kimberly Bunton

Past Director, Louisville Metro Government’s Policy and Strategic Planning Department (2004-2009)

Interviewed: 05-24-2006

Joan Riehm has dedicated her life to making Louisville a better place to live and work.

Rebecca Jackson was the first woman ever elected Jefferson County, Ky. judge executive, the county’s highest ranking elected official.

Rebecca Jackson

CEO, Crusade for Children & Former Jefferson County Judge Executive (1998-2002)

Interviewed: 03-30-2006

From an early age, Trey Grayson has been motivated to serve his community.

Trey Grayson

Past Kentucky Secretary of State (2004-2011)

Interviewed: 01-20-2006

Barbara Sexton Smith’s personal mission is to leave the earth better than she found it.

Barbara Sexton Smith

Past-Louisville Metro Deputy Mayor & Frmr. VP, Fund for the Arts

Interviewed: 01-20-2006

David Armstrong is an achiever who looks to maximize everything he can do in a day.

David L. Armstrong (1941-2017)

Former Mayor of Louisville (1999-2003)

Interviewed: 10-20-2005
