Episode 32. Omar N. Ayyash is the president of the World Trade Center of KY. & Former Executive Director, Office for International Affairs, Louisville Metro Government
Omar Ayyash sees himself as an ambassador and is passionate about helping people understand that the world is a global village.
Omar is a true global citizen. He was born in Jordan, raised in Austria, and educated in the United States. He is the director of the Office of International Affairs (OIA) for the Louisville Metro Government, where he is the mayor’s point person on international matters.
As director of OIA, Omar managed, marketed, and developed the city’s international program into an award-winning division. He created one of the largest international festivals in the region, Worldfest, a weekend festival that drew over 60,000 people and became the most prominent international festival in the area.
Before joining OIA, Omar served as acting director of the Kentucky World Trade Center. He holds a bachelor’s in business administration from the University of Kentucky and an MBA from the University of Louisville.