Community Outreach

Morris & team led a $2 billion IPO of Rubicon to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), with it named “1 of the World’s Most Innovative Cos.” by Fast Co, an “Industry Disruptor” by Inc. Mag, & a Great Place to Work™ for 5 consecutive years! Rubicon is ONLY 1 of 9 KY. cos. to EVER go public in the 230+ year New York Stock Exchange history!

Glade is an environmental scientist, speaker, & filmmaker dedicated to promoting environmental education & awareness, particularly concerning wetlands & water conservation.

Steve is a prominent American entrepreneur & art collector, best known as co-founder of 21c Museum Hotels-a unique boutique hotel chain that seamlessly integrates contemporary art into their design & visitor experience.
Steve Wilson
American Entrepreneur & Art Collector & Co-Founder of 21c Museum Hotels
Interviewed: 05-04-2024

Mallory is an American singer, beauty queen, & model who gained prominence after being crowned Miss KY. 2023.

In 2019, she was selected as the running mate for gubernatorial candidate Andy Beshear. The Beshear-Coleman ticket won the election, & she was inaugurated as LT. GOV, on Dec. 10, 2019. She was re-elected alongside Governor Beshear in November 2023, and their current term will end on December 7, 2027.
KY. LT. Governor Jacqueline Coleman
58th Kentucky Lieutenant Governor(2019-2027)
Interviewed: 05-04-2024

Prior to LULeague, Lyndon was a Student Development Specialist at TX A&M, where he assisted students in their personal growth & building their professional competencies & leadership skills.

American actress, model, philanthropist/socialite. Best known with twin Priscilla as 1 of 1970's Doublemint Twins. Co-hosts annual Barnstable Brown Gala-high-profile charity event in Louisville, during KY. Derby weekend-renowned for its celebrity guests raising millions in diabetes research.

Edelen is no stranger to being on stage. While juggling teaching & competing in several local & regional pageants, she earned her ticket to the Miss Kentucky competition.

A nonprofit fundraising executive with proven results. She currently serves as Hosparus Health's (Louisville, KY.'s largest nonprofit) as SR. VP/Chief Dev & Mrktg Officer. Under her leadership, the Hosparus completed a $29 million campaign & over her career, Tawanda has raised over $200 million!
Tawanda Owsley
Senior VP/Chief Development & Marketing Officer for Hosparus Health
Interviewed: 01-20-2023

Born in Pakistan & raised in Southern California, & after only 9 months as Metro United Way's Dir. of Major & Legacy Gifts, she rose to this position!

Impassioned after surviving a Sept. 6, 2018, mass shooting in Cincinnati, OH., Whitney cofounded Whitney/Strong-a non-profit focused on responsible gun ownership & ending gun violence by taking a non-partisan approach to legislation, with her husband, Waller.

Gant founded Gant Hill & Associates in 2002, which specializes in enhancing the best interests & outcomes of its clients that own, invest, lease &/or operate real estate.
Gant Hill, CCIM
President & Principal Broker of Gant Hill & Associates (formerly Venterra Realty)
Interviewed: 11-12-2021

Adria embodies hope, integrity, humanity & has focused her career on lifting some of society’s most vulnerable populations & being of service to others.

Tom was instrumental in having a marker dedicated to Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln memorial. He also advanced a similar resolution naming Thomas Merton Square in Louisville where Merton had his famous epiphany.

A veteran with an Entrepreneur's heart. Jeremy founded the Veteran’s Club & has assisted countless veterans with their nationally recognized Equine Therapy Program, Career Transition, Family Outreach Program, & the Camp Restoration Community to house & heal homeless veterans.
Jeremy Harrell
Founder/CEO of The Veteran’s Club-a non-profit veteran service organization
Interviewed: 07-10-2020

Di's personal goals have been to champion small business ownership & success by working to remove the obstacles that keep people from achieving the "American Dream."
Di Tran
Serial Entrepreneur, Computer Engineer, Mentor and Vietnamese Immigrant
Interviewed: 01-24-2020

He talks about his Sept. 2018 major stroke, & how it taught him Attitude is Everything-no matter what your challenge you need to believe with all your heart & soul you can overcome it. So many people come to their adversity already defeated. I took my recovery 1 day at a time & always had daily goals.
🚑 Steve Cunanan🚑
Past Regional Chief Executive Officer, American Red Cross - Kentucky Region (2019-2024)
Interviewed: 12-06-2019

Take Me Home is a not for profit, volunteer-based foundation that has been saving the lives of homeless animals since 2001.

Phil was a very close friend with Founder Brandon McGuinness, who sadly died at age 27 in 2007. Fuck Cancer - F C Cancer Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Visit the Fuck Cancer homepage to show your support at

Robert is motivated by the form that a dancer gains from training in the traditions of classical ballet, where respect & discipline can facilitate breathtaking strength & freedom.

Marcia leads the Lean strategy for the business focusing on delivering winning products and services for customers and consumers while minimizing waste throughout ALL functions.
Marcia Brey
Vice President of Distribution at GE Appliances, A Haier Company
Interviewed: 08-23-2019

Since the age of 11, Alex has been leading a bipartisan effort in the Kentucky legislature to end the use of corporal punishment in schools. Alex's MoxieTalk was conducted @ the age of 15, making Alex BY FAR, the youngest guest ever featured on MoxieTalk with Kirt Jacobs.

Josh celebrates the brilliance & strength of marginalized people including LGBTQ+ & Black communities through photography & collaborative storytelling.

She collects, curates exhibitions, writes, lectures, & appraises fine quilts. Zegart has curated many exhibits in the U.S. & abroad, & lectures on all aspects of quilt history & aesthetics.

Today the Healing Place campus is expanding & has several thousand alumni with a 75% recovery rate.

Conrad worked his way through the ranks, rising to Asst. Chief in the LPD & later an Asst. Chief in the newly merged Louisville Metro Police Dept. (LMPD). As a Lieutenant Colonel with the LMPD, Conrad was Commander of the Administrative Bureau. Chief Conrad left the LMPD in 2005 to become Chief of the Glendale (AZ) Police Dept.
Chief Steve Conrad-(2012-2020)
Former Louisville Metro Chief of Police (2012-2020)
Interviewed: 05-01-2019

Under Barker, TARC was designated as the nation’s Urban System of the Yr by the Community Transportation Association of America.
J. Barry Barker (1951-2024)
(Retired) Executive Director of TARC-(The Transit Authority of River City)
Interviewed: 03-29-2019

Ferdinand serves as the Executive Director for (TARC), the largest public transit agency in the Commonwealth of KY. Carrying 15 million annual passengers & is responsible for the ldrshp. & direction for all operations in the system.
Ferdinand L. Risco, Jr.
Former Executive Director-(TARC)-The Transit Authority of River City
Interviewed: 03-10-2019

Prior to Dick’s philanthropic efforts, he served in the Vietnam War as a combat photographer & graduated from the University of Louisville.

Today the Healing Place campus is expanding & has several thousand alumni with a 75% recovery rate.

Learn how Dr. Allan Parnell rose from a rural one-room schoolhouse to create a trucking empire.
Dr. Allan Parnell
Chairman of the Board, Mister “P” Express Trucking Company
Interviewed: 11-05-2017

With Maryhurst more than 43 years, Judy is nationally recognized for her work with children who are survivors of abuse & neglect. Since 1990, she has served as Pres. & CEO of Maryhurst, a nonprofit dedicated to ending the cycle of abuse for kids & families in KY.
Judy Lambeth
Former President and CEO, MaryHurst, Inc. (Nonprofit dedicated to ending the cycle of abuse for KY. kids & families) (1990-2020)
Interviewed: 11-03-2017

How Amy Leenerts overcame childhood sexual abuse to train the public to recognize and prevent human trafficking.

Her handprint & influence has been instrumental for decades in the “Behind-the-Scenes” work as a consultant or volunteer on such notable Louisville festivals as the Ethnic Heritage weekends in the 1970’s under her company’s banner Visionworks, LLC.

William Kellibrew IV is an international advocate for civil, human, women, children, and victims’ rights.
William Kellibrew IV
International Advocate for Civil, Human, Women, Children, and Victims’ Rights
Interviewed: 09-28-2017

In 1999, Claypool founded Bulldogs in the Bluegrass. a program that provides summer internships in Louisville, Kentucky for Yale undergraduates. Since it began, Bulldogs in the Bluegrass has brought over 570 Yalies to experience Louisville through a total immersion experience. Of those, many have returned to Louisville for full-time employment after graduation.
Kinsey Morrison
Political Activist, Cancer Survivor, and National Merit Scholar
Interviewed: 08-27-2017

For 20 years, Mike Berry has been at the helm of the Kentucky Derby Festival (KDF), one of the nation’s largest and most notable civic celebrations.
Jerry E. Abramson
Former Mayor of Louisville Metro (2003-2011) & (1986-1999), and Former Director of Intergovernmental Affairs in the White House for President Barack Obama
Interviewed: 03-24-2017

Abby Drane leads Uspiritus, whose mission is healing the hearts and minds of vulnerable youth and their families.
Abby Drane
Past President/CEO, Bellewood & Brooklawn (formerly Uspiritus, Inc.)
Interviewed: 12-02-2016

Ian leads the Dallas Opera & formerly led the Kentucky Opera, all fueled by a lifelong love of opera.

Donald E. Lassere leads the Muhammad Ali Center and fosters its mission of building and expanding on the Center’s educational programs, partnerships, and other outreach initiatives.

When Nina Moseley talks about her work helping those in poverty, her eyes light up with hope and her enthusiasm fills the room.

Mitzi Friedlander has spent much of her career bringing stories to life for the blind. After 50 years of recording books, Friedlander holds the record for most talking book titles narrated for the National Library Service.
Mitzi Friedlander (1930-2021)
Narrator & Storyteller, American Printing House for the Blind-(1930-2021)
Interviewed: 04-01-2016
Rebecca Eaves
Past President-(2013-2019), The Arrow Fund (Animal Welfare Organization)
Interviewed: 04-01-2016
Dr. Barry Denton
Past Executive Director, Louisville Metro Police Foundation (2013-2016)
Interviewed: 12-04-2015

Ankur Gopal’s desire to make an impact has fueled his success building a technology application company.

Driven by conscience and seeing challenges as possibilities drive Jackie Ford as she leads the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana.

Emily Cleveland has a passion for helping children see past disability through friendship.
Emily Cleveland
Former-Kentucky State Director, Best Buddies International-(2015-2018)
Interviewed: 10-23-2015

Love for family drives both Patrick John Hughes and his son, Patrick Henry Hughes, to expand possibilities.

Love for family drives both Patrick John Hughes and his son, Patrick Henry Hughes, to expand possibilities.

Terri Foster knew from a young age she had musical gifts, and now seeks to use her gifts to help other young people develop theirs.

The 1993 tragic murder of their daughter, Mary, thrust Pat Byron and her husband, John, into advocacy work for domestic violence victims.

Fun and the challenge of creating a sense of wonderment drive Louisville-native Wayne Hettinger to create memorable events on a grand scale.

Major General (retired) Robert S. Silverthorn Jr. credits growing up in a military family as his inspiration and drive to achieve excellence.
Robert S. Silverthorn, Jr
United States Army, Attorney, and Counselor at Law
Interviewed: 03-27-2015

Terry Taylor’s drive to bring peace to communities, through understanding each other’s differences, powers his work.

Karen Morrison sees her job as president and CEO of Gilda’s Club as winning the job lottery.

Pam Darnall focuses her professional life on helping children and families facing abuse and violence.

A commitment to environmental responsibility as a principle of her faith powers everything Heather Warman does.

Summer Auerbach is committed to local independent businesses and leads Rainbow Blossom Natural Foods.
Jim Allen
Vice Chairman at Baird & Former, President and CEO, Hilliard Lyons
Interviewed: 10-10-2014
Jennifer Adrio-(1961-2024)
Former CEO of KY. Region of American Red Cross (2015-2019)
Interviewed: 04-11-2014

Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz experienced the calling and desire to serve others through the clergy while in high school.

The mantra “You are pure potential,” from his improv mentor, Dr. Martin de Maat, motivates Chris Hartman in his work against discrimination.

Gill Holland’s curiosity has led to careers as an independent film producer, building developer, and former lawyer.

Lynnie Meyer, a well-known civic leader and fundraising executive in Louisville, is fueled by her commitment to the community.

Troy Burden taps his inner drive to help others as the executive director of Highlands Community Ministries.

Lora Tucker loves leadership responsibility – and making a difference – and has used that love from childhood through her military career and as CEO of the Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana.

Gerald Neal credits his parents’ commitment to the community as laying the foundation for his career in politics.
KY. State Senator Gerald Neal
Commonwealth of Kentucky Senate District 33 (1989-present)
Interviewed: 10-28-2011

A passion for the arts and to make things better by introducing new generations to the art drives Stephen Klein in his career.
Stephen Klein
Former President of The Kentucky Center for the Arts (2005-2013)
Interviewed: 03-25-2011

Over the years, Kent Oyler has started 19 different business ventures and created over 1,000 jobs.
Kent Oyler
Former President and CEO, Greater Louisville, Inc. (2014-2020), OPM Services & Entrepreneur (1992-2015)
Interviewed: 03-25-2011

Madeline Abramson served as Louisville’s first lady for 21 years and is a tireless community volunteer.
Madeline Abramson
Former First Lady of Louisville Metro (1986-1999) & (2003-2011)
Interviewed: 03-25-2011

Jackie Green, write-in candidate for mayor of Louisville, focuses on the local economy, central neighborhoods, education, energy, quality affordable housing, local food, safety, health, downtown, and transportation.

Living with a core of gratitude and an attitude of caring and sharing, Bernard Trager founded and built Republic Bank, always with a heart to serve.

A Louisville native and self-proclaimed life-long student, Dan Jones has a vision for the future Louisville landscape. And his vision is coming to life.

A custom builder and remodeler, Joe Pusateri thrives on challenge and using his talents to the best of his ability.

Driven by a desire to give back drives Cathe Dykstra to lead the Family Scholar House and help families thrive.
Cathe Dykstra
Chief Possibility Officer, President & CEO at Family Scholar House
Interviewed: 12-04-2009

A driving curiosity about the world and the desire to be “a part of the solution” drive Denton Randall each day.

Dr. Wayne Creighton prides himself in helping those trapped in addiction regain hope and reclaim their lives.
Dr. Wayne Creighton (1958-2022)
President & CEO, Interlink Counseling Services (1958-2022)
Interviewed: 08-08-2008
Chef Dean Corbett (1962-2018)
Proprietor & Chef of Jack’s, Equus, & Corbett’s Restaurants
Interviewed: 05-30-2008

Michael Dalby is passionate about business and believes a strong and growing economy lead to a strong community.

Ed Glasscock is motivated by three main priorities, love of family, dedication to clients, and commitment to the community.

Dr. Kevin Cosby is driven to see people grow and see their mind, life, and relationships transformed.
Dr. Kevin W. Cosby
Senior Pastor, St. Stephen Baptist Church & President, Simmons College of Kentucky
Interviewed: 03-21-2008

Denise Vasquez Troutman is passionate about her work and believes there is still so much to do.
Denise Vasquez Troutman
Past President & CEO, Center for Women & Families (2006-2011)
Interviewed: 12-05-2007

Steve Trager gets to make a positive impact every day in the lives of his associates and customers.

Dr. James Ramsey has a passion for public service and a vision for education and economic growth in Kentucky.

Owsley Brown Frazier has dedicated his life and fortune to improve his hometown for future generations.
Owsley Brown Frazier (1935-2012)
Philanthropist & Founder/Chairman, Frazier International History Museum
Interviewed: 09-25-2007

Christine Johnson likes to make things happen and connect people who see opportunities to move things forward.
Christine D. Johnson
Past President, Leadership Louisville Center (1991-2011)
Interviewed: 05-24-2007

Ben Richmond fills a responsibility to steward his parent’s work in the civil rights movement and to further the principles and values taught by Dr. Martin Luther King.
Ben Richmond (1943-2024)
Past President & CEO, Louisville Urban League (1987-2015)
Interviewed: 05-24-2007
Maria G. Hampton
Past VP & Sr. Branch Executive, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (2005-2014)
Interviewed: 05-24-2007

Sandra Frazier starts each day thinking about how she can contribute something that will make a difference.

Cynthia Knapek has a tremendous amount of civic pride in her hometown of Louisville and loves doing work that will impact and improve her community.

For Chuck Denny, continuous self-improvement is a driving force that motivates him every day.
Chuck Denny
Former President and C.E.O., National City Kentucky/Tennessee Banking
Interviewed: 03-07-2007

Omar Ayyash sees himself as an ambassador and is passionate about helping people understand that the world is a global village.
Omar N. Ayyash
President, World Trade Center of KY. & Frmr. Exec. Dir., Office for Intnl. Affairs, Lou. Metro Govt.
Interviewed: 03-07-2007

Tyler Allen began life with a great foundation and believes that he has a responsibility to give back to the community.
Tyler Allen
President, USA Image Technologies, Inc. & Co-Founder of
Interviewed: 03-07-2007

Steve Higdon orients his life and career around his family, striving to be the best husband and father he can be.
Steve Higdon
Past President & CEO of (GLI)-Greater Louisville, Inc. (1997-2005)
Interviewed: 03-07-2007

Heather French Henry is inspired by hard work and dedication and believes that everyone can choose to make a difference with the time they have.
Heather French Henry
Founder, H.F. Foundation for Veterans & Miss America 2000
Interviewed: 12-06-2006

Rowan Claypool is a social entrepreneur who believes that young knowledge economy workers are the future to prosperous communities.

Joe Regan is motivated by seeing lives changed through improved education and expanded employment opportunities.
Joe Reagan
Former President & CEO, “GLI” Greater Louisville Chamber of Commerce (2005-2012)
Interviewed: 05-24-2006

Rebecca Jackson was the first woman ever elected Jefferson County, Ky. judge executive, the county’s highest ranking elected official.
Rebecca Jackson
CEO, Crusade for Children & Former Jefferson County Judge Executive (1998-2002)
Interviewed: 03-30-2006

Christopher 2X is driven by the plight of the poor and wants to help them transform their mindset.