Episode 126. Mark Hogg – Waterstep Founder & CEO (Formerly EDGE Outreach)
Mark Hogg seeks to end the global water crisis.
Seeing people using poor quality water while on a college trip to West Africa and how water borne diseases affected their health, then seeing how a chlorinator could help, served as the genesis for Mark Hogg’s passion for making clean water accessible throughout the world.
In 1995, Mark launched the non-profit organization Edge Outreach, recently renamed WaterStep. He works every day to put an end to the global water crisis by bringing clean drinking water to developing communities and disaster environments.
Mark, along with WaterStep, trains and empowers ordinary people to provide safe and sustainable water, sanitation, health and hygiene solutions in their own communities. In 2012, WaterStep began manufacturing its own chlorine generator, a simple water purification system. WaterStep has impacted the quality of life for people all over the world.
WaterStep also added beehives to the rooftop of their building as a way to support the local urban gardening movement. Mark established a profitable shoe export business to help fund his non-profit initiative.
Mark has received a Social Entrepreneur award and was among 128 people chosen for Leadership Louisville’s Connector Project.