Episode 154. Kelli Campbell – President and Owner, Joseph’s Salon/ Spa
As the owner of Joseph’s Salon and Spa, Kelly Flint Campbell sees the growth of her staff and client relationships as her inspiration.
Since the early 1990s, Kelly has been the owner and president of Joseph’s Salon/Spa in Louisville, Ky. Originally opened 40 years ago by her parents, Joseph’s set out to be a beauty destination with highly skilled professionals who have an unwavering commitment to customer service. Joseph’s has grown and now includes the Aveda Lifestyle Salon and Spa.
With her positive spirit, Kelly strives to make a personal connection with her clients. She has helped form an expert staff of 90 who share her “give back” philosophy and desire to achieve professional expertise and superior service. Kelly works diligently on harmonizing beauty, well-being, and the environment for both clients and staff at the salon.
Kelly and her husband have two children and live in Louisville.